Thursday, June 11, 2009

What are you Primary and Secondary Values

 Learning
 Bottom-Line
 Aesthetic/Harmony
 People
 Individual
 Tradition

MANY OF US have trouble explaining what our own guiding values are. We know they’re there, we know they matter, but we have a hard time putting those values into words. That’s problematic, because we make better life choices when we have a clear sense of what our own values are.
The following simple exercise, which I developed for Where to Go From Here: Reinventing Your Career and Your Business, is designed to help you get a clear fix on your own primary and secondary values. It’s based on principles of psychology and personality assessment that have been in use for nearly a century now, and are widely accepted by counselors, therapists, and others who must help people to understand their own predispositions and priorities. After you complete the short questionnaire and tally your results, I’ll help you to identify your likely primary and secondary values – and give you a sense of what they say about you.
When you know your own values, you’ll have a better sense of what works for you – and doesn’t work for you – in your career, and you’ll become more confident in making choices about what should happen next in your working life. The more exercise you give that making-choices muscle, and the more comfortable you are in using it, the better off you will be.
Note: The questionnaire that follows is a much-condensed version of a far more comprehensive assessment tool I use with my own clients. It is meant only to give you an initial indication of your values profile, not a definitive summary. For information on how to conduct more in-depth assessments, such as communication and competencies assessments, see the first page of the Resources section at the end of this book.

What Are Your Primary and Secondary Work Values?

For many people, workplace or career dissatisfaction is rooted in an environmental mismatch that puts them in situations that don’t take full advantage of their capacities.

Send for a pdf of this exercise to


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