Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1628 Theory from Where To Go From Here:Reinventing Your Career, Your Business, Your Working Life

I didn't use this title in the book, but I am teaching/facilitating a group discussion at a local church, and it seems to ring true for most people. The inforamtion and exercises can be found in Chapter 5 - Your Personal History. The theory is that activities that you were naturally drawn to and passionate about between the ages of 16 and 28 will come back to you in mid or late career.

High School
First Job
Second Job

I tutored American Indians in Chicago and now have had a tutoring business with my wife for 25 years. I petioned the President of Lake Forest College to be the golf coach when they were going to drop the program - I am now the Wilton CT high school golf coach. I wrote a book on The Law of the Sea with a college professor - I just wrote Where To Go From Here: Reinventing Your Career, Your Business, Your Working Life (it has been on the to do list for a few years). I majored in Spanish and International Relations at the University of New Hampshire, and I now travel with a non profit twice a year to El Salvador and Ecuador to consult on microlending for the poor.

What are your 1628 experiences that you loved and have neglected?

1 comment:

  1. Experience has taught that people will work harder for someone who praises them and recognizes the effort they put into their work. Acknowledging their energy and performance, their effort and commitment, how hard they worked and how involved they were with it will all increase the output. Success Coach give training in such a way as positive results can be obtained.
